Beautiful (Gordon Lightfoot) - day 38
Let us travel back to the very early 1970s, shall we? I don’t actually remember this song from that era; Beautiful is not the stand-out hit of Gordon Lightfoot’s that If You Could read My Mind was, perhaps, but when you give it a listen, you might swoon just a little bit. What a beautiful love song. It’s a perfect song for two people in love. I would imagine this being the ‘first dance’ song for many couples united in marriage back in those golden days.
This guy was a true balladier of his time, in the days of soft rock and singer-songwriters just pouring out the emotion that brimmed inside their souls. With the likes of David Gates and James Taylor and Gordon Lightfoot, what a time to be alive. I’m glad I was, but sometimes wish I were old enough to have understood it. Imagine a time of such turmoil and social unrest being regarded in the way of fantasy and fond memory? That’s what a song like this can do if you allow it. Try it on for a while and let me know if you agree. Perhaps it will set away today’s turmoil and social unrest, if even for a moment…