I Don’t Wanna Go On With You Like That (Elton John) - day 44

Anything that needs to be said about the genius amongst us named Elton John has likely been said already when I wrote about his other monstrous hits in past countdowns. However, in case you missed it, this man is one with the music he creates.

We all know of the career that spans five decades or more, but along the way, as his sound changed with the times, he gave us duds and he gave us spectacular one-offs like today’s jam from 1988, I Don’t Wanna Go On With You Like That. The repeat-beat stirs you into action from the start of the song right through to the finish. The lyrics don’t mean anything specific to me but I do like how he says, “well If you wanna spread it around sista, that’s just fine..” and that always made laugh.

This was a strange time for me, the mid-late eighties. I was still in the process of coming out of the cedar-walled closet and I was constantly looking over my shoulder while harboring unrequited crushes on hot male co-workers (you know who you are, Eric), and this song was painted all over the airwaves among titanic female furies like Taylor Dayne and Jody Watley. I was beginning to feel the closet doors being ripped open and as scary as the notion was, I was ready, or as ready as I’d ever be. That’s the mood this song reminds me of. Sung by a premiere homosexual who, himself, wasn’t quite ‘out’ yet either. So Brava and thanks for spreadin’ it around, Reg!
